Last Day / Final Rankings
Friday looked quite challengeing wind and weatherwise. The forecast showed quite some winds from SW, so the question arised, what is doable with such a forecast. It turned out that the bowl of the villars region is perfect with such conditions. Event though, there were almost no thermals, a kind of soaring task has been set of 43 km. So again, as always at these championships, there were other affordances required than just "classic" thermal flying. Technical skills were important as well as good lines and some patience at some crucial spots.
Again, Damien showed that he handles quite well the found conditions and won that task.
Saturday, the task was cancelled, but free flying was possible. After some beautiful flying above the vineyards of ollon we had a nice prize ceremony.
The Open and the Swiss Championship is won by Damien Zahn before Franz Herrmann and Fredy Bircher on the third place.
Thanks to the team and the locals let us fly in that beautiful area. We will be back for sure.
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