PWC: Meteo and Infos
At the weekend, the Alpine region will be on the front of a low pressure zone over north-west Europe in a moderate south-westerly current. On Saturday evening and during the night to Sunday, a low pressure system over the Benelux countries will bring more humid air to the north-west half of Switzerland in particular. After a brief period of easing, Switzerland will again be under the influence of a new low over Brittany on Sunday evening and humid and unstable stratified air will flow towards us. On Monday, the cold front of the low-pressure system finally reaches our country.
Saturday, 14 h Grindelwald-Interlaken
1-3/8 Base 2500?
Cirrus clouds and medium-high cloud fields above
Weak due to snow and wet conditions, later moderate. However, there will be more clouds later on, which will slow down the thermals again...
Grindelwald is protected from the strong SW wind. The higher and the further west, the stronger the wind. This can be seen clearly in the wind charts.
Ground weak valley wind system
2000m 5-15 kmh W
2500m 10-20 kmh W
3000m 30 kmh W
Ground: valley wind system, 10-20? kmh W
2000m 15 kmh W
2500m 20 kmh W
3000m 40 kmh W
Further West it is stronger.
8:40 Short Briefing at Interlaken Ost:
I will bring the tickets
9:04 your train leave to Grindelwald
You travel to the take off (see info-pdf)
Have a break in the restaurant :-)
11:30 Briefing at take off with Urs Dubach
We will set a task, just for training. No trackers, no ranking ...
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