
Competition News

PWC Aksaray

Yanick Lettry 7. September 2018 PWC Turkey
PWC Aksaray - first flight

Very small Swiss Team for this PWC: yesterday Philipp and Yanick arrived, Yael will come later.

This morning 12 pilots were transported to take off. We found cross-wind and good thermals. After struggling low on the volcano slope, having a good look at the volcanic rock, we pushed out into the flats where the wind was northwest so we could climb to base and head to Aksaray. Interestingly, the cloud cycles are very fast so it will be important the next couple days to head to the right clouds at the right time. Picking good lines will be of utmost important for the race as lifty lines and strong sink are close by.
We discovered a beautiful desert like landscape.

Yanick and Philipp


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