
Competition News

Feedback on the weather we had this weekend

Reynald Mumenthaler 5. May 2013 Swiss Cup Salève
As the weekend is now behind, we can say that it was the right choice to cancel the SwissCup Salève...but the weather we had during the last 2 days confirmed why it was so difficult to take the right decision last Friday as it was sunny and somewhat flyable but definitely not taskable.

Saturday: the Salève was in the clouds until ~2pm. Then, as forecasted, the north wind (bise) came in and dried the air, which offered us a good window to fly. However, as expected, cloudbases stayed low (max 1500m) and the wind got strong, so the only option to run a task would have been to fly one way - down wind - with a high risk of having pilots flying into the Annecy CTR (due to low cloudbase) and the retrieve would have been a nightmare! So, it was a good day to shoot some picture above the city.

Sunday: a perfect day ... for paragliders' families as it was sunny, warm and we were grounded due to the north-east wind. Few pilots flew but they were stuck in the wind, so definitely not "taskable".

So, it was the right decision to cancel but with a little bit less wind, it would have been perfect days to set tasks in flatlands and that is why it was so difficult to take this decision last Friday.

Thank to everyone who provided some inputs. It was appreciated.

See you soon.




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