
Competition News

CIVL Plenary Meeting

Michael Sigel 20. March 2018 CIVL Plenary Meeting
Dear Swiss League Members

I attended the annual CIVL plenary meeting in Portugal (3. and 4.2.2018). Finally paragliding and hang gliding gets the attention we should from the FAI and the General Secretary of the FAI as well as their Sports Manager were present. The reason is that we have the most activity (together with aero modeling), as well as quite a big turnover because of the Cat2 event fees. Many things are not interesting, while some others are. This is just a short summary of important points. Please be aware that they apply especially in Cat1 events, while most other rules depend on local regulations.

New rule for penalties for restricted airspace infringements:
XXm----0m Airspace 0m----XXm
0% ----XX% Airspace XX%----100% linear penalty

It is easier to understand in an example:
100m----0m Airspace 0m----10m
0% ----10% Airspace 10%----100% linear penalty
This means that the penalty is already applied before you are in the airspace, but the penalty is very small (10% of your points if you get to 0m in the example). After you are in the airspace, the penalty is getting much more.
This helps the pilot to get a better “safety margin”.

XX is defined in the local regulations, while Zone is the airspace.

Ballast rule changed and is now same as in PWC: <33kg or ballast up to 95kg all-up.

There is still a discussion on distance measurement ongoing (ellipsoid or spheroid). It would be good if we can change to one or the other method in order to reduce the tolerance.

From now on, organizers may use FS, SeeYou (which is not ready yet) and CompCheck as approved software in events. There are now more options for leading points, depending on the local regulations. For example:
- now they can give leading points from 110 to 200.
- The CIVL is also working on a new way of leading points. It is like a spotlight that shows if you fly in front, or if you just follow someone (that’s why it is called spotlight).

Only certified instruments are allowed in Cat1 events. Basically only those who also measure air pressure. A list will be available soon on the FAI website.

The total number of participants in HG in Cat 1s will drop from 150 to 125 after 2019 Cat 1s.

FAI World Air Games 2020 probably in Turkey.

16th FAI European Paragliding Championship will be in Nis, Serbia.

The entire minutes from the meeting can be found here:



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