
Competition News

CIVL Meeting 2010 + Infolink

Martin Scheel 18. February 2010 CIVL Meeting 2010
Nachtrag Sonntag:

Vorankündigung von Bids für 2013
Portugal Sierra Estrela Gleitschirm WM 2013
Australien Delta-Weltmeisterschaften 1.-16.1.2013

Der Proposal von Holland zur Abschaffung von Prototypen an Delta-Cat.1 ist (klar) angenommen. Dies heisst, dass nur noch homologierte Geräte und sogenannte "uncertified Gliders" ab 2011 zugelassen werden. "Uncertified Gliders" sind Deltas, bei denen der Pitsch-Test gemacht wurde und die mindestens 4 Monaten vor dem Wettkampf für jeden Pilot käuflich sind.

Präsident: John Aldrige
Vice Präsidenten: Amaral, Torkelson, Gudmundson, Erzen
Chairmens of:
Safety and Training SC: Laszlo Szöllösi (HUN)
Sporting Code SC: Vakant
Paragliding SC: Robert Aarts (FIN)
Hanggliding SC: Oyvind Ellefson (NOR)
Aerobatics SC: Gleitschirm: Iris & Delta: Dennis

Igor Erzen aus Slowenien im Amt des Vizepäsidenten dürfte recht progressiv sein, was dem Gremium gut tut.

Next Plenary Meeting
24. - 27.2.2011 in Lausanne (Taipei verpasste die Wahl um eine Stimme)


Da alle Abstimmungen den Resultaten aus den Arbeitsgruppen entsprachen, ändere ich den folgenden Text nicht.

Diskutiert wurde nur noch um die Helm-Norm. Ich schlug vor, 3 Normen zuzulassen (EN 966, 1077 und Snell S98) und nachher eine Arbeitsgruppe zu bilden - es bleibt aber bei EN 966.

Unter dem Text habe ich noch den kompletten Text zum angenommenen Sicherheits-Proposal kopiert.

Glider, Definition
Knapp abgelehnt, dass es eine Definition braucht.

Sicherheit Gleitschirme
2 Serial Class (in Abstimmung abgelehnt 15:6)
4 Einschränkungen im Gleitschirmbau
6 Self Certification
Keine weitere Diskussion:
1 No change von der aktuellen Regel
3 Gliders Testet to CEN D only at trimm (Goldsmith)

Entscheidung (Abstimmung 19:0)
Es wird eine Working Group definiert, die schnell Vorschläge für 6 (Self-Homologation, Einführung 2011) und 4 (Einschränkungen im Gleitschirmbau, Einführung 2012) macht.

EN 966 schon an der EM 2010

EN (ist nur Lasttest) + LTF (Protektor) oder equivalent ab 2011

Task Dropping
Auch an Wettkämpfe mit Streichresultaten (PWC) werden alle gültigen Tasks für den WPRS-Faktor gezählt

DSX ist zu teuer
Es existieren viele andere Systeme
Es kommt schon an der EM
Es wird vorerst kein "Delay" eingebaut

Altitude Messung
Es sind alle Geräte erlaubt. Piloten werden aufgefordert, die Baro Höhe zu kalibrieren, es sind aber auch Garmins erlaubt.

Keine Änderung

EM 2012
Frankreich, St. André ist die einzige (aber gute) Bewerbung

Sicherheit Gleitschirme, kompletter Beschluss
Proposal from SC (unanimous), voted at Plenary:

CIVL is fully aware that the introduction of new materials and new technology into paraglider design does not necessarily constitute a compromise in safety; on the contrary, we have seen many instances in which such innovations have actually made our sport safer. With this in mind, it is not this commission’s wish to limit the development of such innovation. At the same time, however, with reference to FAI Category 1 events, it is this commission’s responsibility to ensure that all participating paragliders actually adhere to or exhibit a demonstrable level of safety. With this in mind we present the following proposal.

The following is a proposal wishing to address the issue of prototype and open class paragliders being eligible to fly in Cat 1 events.

In order for an otherwise non-certified paraglider to be allowed to take part in Category 1 events, as an initial interim solution, we propose introducing a form of ‘self-certification’ in which manufactures will be required to publish documentation and a video of the paraglider wherein its various flight characteristics have been demonstrated as a result of a series of maneuvers.
To this end, establish a working group that will determine what would have to be documented and displayed as well as the parameters under which it would be produced.

As a long term solution, we propose the eventual introduction of a new standard (eventually EN), wherein, only paragliders meeting the requirements delineated within this standard would be allowed to take part in Category 1 events. To this end, establish a working group that would study this issue and determine the requirements such a paraglider would have to fulfill as well as the feasibility and means by which such a new standard could be introduced.

The working group will also study the possibility of introduction of limitations such as aspect ratio, weight of the paragliders, minimum line length or other options.

Timeline requirements for the working group

1.a - Self-Certification

Goal: to be able to use it at the 2011 World Paragliding Championship

- info to manufacturers in three weeks
- 1st Meeting by 30th of May (during European Championship)
- August – final proposal
- have a report prepared for the CIVL half-year meeting in October
- have a proposal or recommendations ready by deadline in December
- February 2011 – final decision at plenary

1.b - New standard

Goal: to be able to use it as soon as possible

- have a report prepared for the CIVL half-year meeting in October.

2 - Introduction of limitations

Goal: to be able to use it at the 2012 European Paragliding Championship

- info to manufacturers in three weeks
- 1st Meeting by 30th of May (during European Championship)
- 2nd Meeting by 30th of September (during PWC super-final)
– December - Final proposal
- February 2011 – final decision at plenary

Work group members
Martin Scheel (chair)
Gregory Knudson
Didier Mathurin
Robert Aarts
Harry Buntz
One Bureau member to be designated



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