
Competition News

167km Task, Steph Morgenthaler wins

Martin Scheel 24. April 2010 Swiss League Cup 24./25.4.2010
The weather is too good to make a normal 90km-race or something - we decide to go for the Koster-Triangle: Fergenhütte (behind Klosters) - Disentis - Landing at Walenstadt. End of speed section of 10km would allow to make hight before goal to allow to finish the triangle (Walenstadt is only 2 from the 3 legs).
The conditions are fantastic, but cloud base lower as we though (3000m instead of 3500m in the weather reports). And in the Glarnerland the conditions where pretty stable - all in goal are tired and happy to be here.
Steph Morgenthaler arrives goal around 16:50 (33km/hour). 17:20 Joël Debon, Micha Witschi and Petsch Neuenschwander arrive at goal. 17:40 Urs Schönauer and Anders Baerheim, later Michael Maurer and Jörg Ewald and finally Micha Sigel. At 18:15 Thomas Koster flies high over Walenstadt and tries to finish the triangle.





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